Women in Tech: How to Close the Gender Pay Gap

 Published: 07 March 2024

As we celebrate International Women’s Day this year, it’s crucial to reflect on the progress we've made and the challenges that still lie ahead, particularly in the technology sector. At Digital Wonderlab, we are proud to champion gender equality and pave the way for women in the tech industry.

Currently, 36% of our team members are women, with an impressive 80% directly contributing to tech roles. From UX design to digital transformation, our female colleagues are making significant strides in shaping the digital landscape. But our journey doesn't stop here; we are committed to smashing the gender pay gap and fostering a more inclusive environment for all.

The gender pay gap remains a pressing issue, especially in the technology sector. While we've made strides, we acknowledge that there's more work to be done. It's noteworthy that our female team members at Digital Wonderlab are paid 1.77% more than their male counterparts, in stark contrast to the sector norm where men’s median hourly pay is 16% higher than that of women (Verdict, 2022).

Historically, technology has been male-dominated, with only 26% of the UK tech workforce comprising women. While this marks progress from five years ago, the numbers still favour men. Addressing this disparity requires tackling the systemic barriers and gender stereotypes that discourage women from pursuing careers in tech.

Furthermore, women in STEM often encounter obstacles in career advancement, contributing to the gender pay gap. Studies reveal that for every 100 men promoted to manager, only 86 women receive similar opportunities (McKinsey, 2022). This disparity underscores the urgent need for inclusive policies and practices within tech companies, as well as the significance of promoting women into senior tech roles to serve as role models and encourage positive change.

As we strive for gender equality, it's essential for companies to be transparent about their gender pay gap and take meaningful action to address disparities. Organisations have a responsibility to lead by example and ensure equitable pay for all employees. And representation matters. By amplifying the voices of women in tech and showcasing their achievements, we can empower the next generation of female leaders and create a more diverse and inclusive tech ecosystem. 

On this International Women’s Day and beyond, let’s recommit to advocating for gender equity in the digital sector and closing the gender pay gap in technology. Together, we can foster diversity and inclusion in tech companies and create a more equitable future for women in the digital world.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of women everywhere and advocating for a more inclusive world. Together, we can make a difference. Happy International Women’s Day!

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Heather Durig Marketing Manager
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    Author headshot
    Heather Durig Marketing Manager
