Making Waves of Positive Change: Why Impact is Our Bread and Butter

 Published: 03 March 2024

At Digital Wonderlab, we're more than just a digital agency—we're your partners in creating impactful digital solutions. Our purpose is deeply rooted in our manifesto: We believe technology can address societal challenges, promoting fairness, and elevating organisational ambitions. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about impact, and why is it so essential to us? Let's dive in.

Defining Impact

For us, impact goes beyond mere metrics or numbers. It's about the meaningful difference we make in the world around us. It's about using technology as a tool to address societal challenges, promote fairness, and elevate the ambitions of organisations. Impact is about leaving a lasting, positive mark on society, the planet, and future generations.

A Commitment to Purpose

Our manifesto speaks volumes about our commitment to purpose-driven work. We believe that technology has the power to transform lives and communities for the better. That's why we dedicate not only our time but also our resources to purpose-driven projects that make waves of positive change. Whether it's through pro bono work, donations, or our unique lab that fuses social, commercial, creative, and tech sectors, we're wholeheartedly devoted to making a difference—one project at a time.

Measuring Our Impact

2023 marked the release of our first ever Impact Report, a comprehensive summary of our most significant achievements, ambitions, and innovations from 2022-2023. The report highlights our commitment to our people, our community, our work, and our planet. With transparency and accountability at the forefront, we are excited to share our journey. We will soon be diving into creating our 2023-2024 report. Watch this space to keep up to date with our impact!

Clients: Driving Impact Together

Our impact wouldn't be possible without the incredible clients we partner with. Together, we explore, design, and build positive digital futures. Whether it's amplifying the voices and visions of purpose-driven startups, SMEs, not-for-profits, or global enterprises, our collaboration with clients is at the heart of our impact.

Case Studies

At Digital Wonderlab, we're proud to have made significant impacts with our clients. From designing safe spaces for black femme survivors with Hersana and fostering supportive communities for young people with Lonely Not Alone, to transforming Great Western Credit Union into a fintech with purpose, our collaborative efforts have brought about tangible positive change. Together, we're driving meaningful progress and shaping a brighter future.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on our past achievements and the impact we've made, we're also looking ahead to the future. We know that our journey as a B Corp is ongoing, and there's always room to grow our impact even further. That's why we're committed to continually exploring new ways to drive positive change and make a difference in the world. We invite you to join us on this journey—together, we can create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Author headshot
Nathan Baranowski Managing Director
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    Author headshot
    Nathan Baranowski Managing Director


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    Kevin Triggle and Laura Pinkstone speaking at Kevin's desk