The Countdown Begins: Umbraco V8 End of Life

 Published: 27 November 2023

"Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today." - Benjamin Franklin

As we look towards Umbraco Version 8 nearing its End of Life (EOL) in February 2025, it becomes increasingly important to start thinking about your upgrade. This transition is not merely a technical update but a strategic decision critical for your digital presence. In this vital phase, partnering with Umbraco Platinum Partners can be a game-changer. This article aims to underscore why an early start, coupled with expert guidance, is essential for a successful upgrade to the latest version of Umbraco.

What does EOL mean for my website?

When we talk about 'End of Life' (EOL) in the world of software, it signifies a point where a particular version ceases to receive support. This milestone is crucial in the Umbraco timeline, with version 8 entering its sunset phase in February 2024, leading to its EOL in February 2025.

You may be thinking, "What does this mean for me?" The answer lies in recognising the potential risks. Software without support can turn into a hotbed for technical troubles - from bugs that annoy to vulnerabilities that threaten. This situation can upend your digital presence. The proactive step here is to consider an upgrade, migration or rebuild. Though it sounds like a hefty task, don’t worry. Our role is to guide you seamlessly through this crucial transition.

Key considerations of Umbraco V8 EOL

  • Risks and challenges of delaying the upgrade: Waiting until the last minute can lead to a rushed and less effective transition, overwhelming your resources. This delay increases the likelihood of errors, data loss, and inadequate testing.
  • Increased costs: As the EOL for Umbraco V8 draws closer, the demand for upgrade services will rise, potentially increasing the costs associated with these services. An early start to the upgrade process can help avoid these escalated costs, ensuring a more economical transition.
  • Compromised performance and features: Remaining on a version of Umbraco that is either in the security phase or past its EOL date means missing out on the fastest and most advanced version available.

Benefits of early upgrade planning

Initiating the upgrade process early to the latest LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Umbraco is key to a smoother transition. Early planning not only provides ample time for a thorough assessment but also allows for the development of custom solutions and rigorous testing, all crucial for maintaining your site's functionality and security. This careful approach ensures minimal disruption to users while preserving the performance and integrity of your website.

Plus, upgrading to the latest LTS version is an investment in the robustness, security, and future-readiness of your CMS. It positions your digital presence to stay ahead in technology trends and meet evolving user expectations, ensuring the longevity and adaptability of your online platform.

Advantages of collaborating with Umbraco Platinum Partners

Umbraco Platinum Partners are the crème de la crème of Umbraco experts. We bring a wealth of experience, having demonstrated the highest level of competence and commitment to the Umbraco CMS. By choosing a Platinum Partner like Digital Wonderlab, you benefit from our deep insights into the platform, access to direct support from Umbraco HQ, and a proven track record of successful large-scale implementations. This expertise ensures your upgrade is not just about transitioning to a new version, but optimising your digital strategy to its fullest potential.

As an Umbraco Platinum Partner, our expert team are always on hand to help future-proof your Umbraco site and update if your version is becoming EOL.

Author headshot
Kevin Triggle Director of Web Solutions
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    Author headshot
    Kevin Triggle Director of Web Solutions


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    Kevin Triggle and Laura Pinkstone speaking at Kevin's desk