Darren McGrath

Software Developer

Darren, Rhythmic Virtuoso Turned Digital Maestro at Digital Wonderlab. From the rolling waves of the sea to the dynamic currents of the digital, Darren has charted a truly unique course. Prior to his role at Digital Wonderlab, he travelled across the globe as a Showband Drummer on cruise ships.

Swapping the drumsticks for the digital domain might seem like an unconventional transition, but Darren's rhythm and passion haven't missed a beat. At the heart of his appreciation for Digital Wonderlab is our clients — an inspiring mix of visionaries and change-makers committed to bettering the world.

With Darren, Digital Wonderlab has not only gained a member with a unique background but also one whose passion syncs perfectly with the company's ethos: building a positive digital future.

Schedule a call
Darren McGrath, Developer at Digital Wonderlab