Katherine Shotliff

UX Designer

Katherine, Urban-Inspired UX Designer at Digital Wonderlab. Katherine's journey as a designer has always been grounded in enhancing experiences. Prior to her joining Digital Wonderlab, she was a designer at a Bristol-based studio, where she dedicated her skills to refining people's experiences in urban landscapes and public transport. Working on multiple international projects, supporting and leading at all project stages, she always put the end user's experience at the forefront of her designs.

Now, as a UX designer at Digital Wonderlab, Katherine channels that same mindset to digital spaces. Her unique perspective brings an enriched layer to user experience design, where she crafts digital pathways reminiscent of the efficient and user-friendly cityscapes she's accustomed to.

For Katherine, it's not just about pixels and wireframes; it's about ensuring every user finds their way with ease and enjoyment, whether they're navigating a bustling city or a digital platform.

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Katherine Shotliff, UX Designer at Digital Wonderlab